My name is Laila Thorpe and I am a 10 year old talented writer and artist. I started my writing journey at the age of 9. Ever since then I have not stopped growing my writing skills.
I love getting to know new people. I thought it would be a great idea to share a little about myself.
My favorite color is electric blue and my favorite food is a cheeseburger. I live with her mother, father, 7 year old brother DJ and bunny "Blizzard" in the suburbs of Philadelphia. When I am not writing or reading. I enjoy cuddling with Blizzard, music, art, sewing my own clothes, soccer and hanging with my friends.
Laila Thorpe
During this interview , I have answered my most asked questions about me as an author and BROWN.
Interview with Laila Part 2
Interview Part 2 focuses on the origin of BROWN and details about my personal challenges.
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Use QR Code to see Laila Thorpe on Fox29 Philly news as she talks about BROWN and her author journey so far.